Heartstopper (2022–): Why Should You Make Time for Heartstopper ? Here, we’re delving into why Heartstopper is so important to queer audiences - of all ages - and spotlighting some other must-watch shows and movies you should queue up next. Of course, Heartstopper isn’t the only coming-of-age show (or movie) that centers LGBTQ+ characters and allows them the novelty of happiness. Sure, the primary audience of these stories is teens, but, for queer adults who didn’t have these touchstones growing up, there’s something so joyful - and almost healing - about knowing these stories exist in books and on screen now. If you’re anything like me, recently published queer YA romances, like You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson, got you through some of the last few years’ bleakest moments.